Tuesday, 23 July 2013

LOLing over Coffee !!!

                                        Coffee!!! Aaahh...

The favourite drink of the civilized world! That one word which is an immediate cure to my boredom, my worries, my trivia and my mood swings!

Either it is "Black as night, sweet as sin", or it is a "Rich frothy creamy chocolaty delight"...Well!however maybe, coffee pleases my taste buds and tingles my soul!...and I cannot help but sing love songs for coffee! The smell of freshly ground heaven...it makes me a poet, a philosopher, a confidante, a dreamer and a lover...all at the same time! (Wao!!!)

How can I explain the power of coffee in such a few words? ...You meet, greet, lounge, converse, laugh, drool, discuss, rejuvenate and fall in love...over Coffee! One serving of cuppa, which has the power to stir the World, uniting it and enveloping it into a delectable smoothie of pure bliss...

"I like my coffee with cream and my literature with optimism.” - Abigail Reynolds

Be it a chatty afternoon with my girlfriends or a cosy evening with my beloved or tete-a-tete with an ex collegue, I'm always up for coffee and I cannot have enough of it...(Gosshh! Bless the man who invented it!!!)

  "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons." -  T.S. Eliot

Some coffee facts for the knowledge seeking souls! The vast majority of coffee beans in the world comes from two species of coffee: - Coffea Arabica and Coffea Robusta. More than three-quarters of the coffee beans sold in the world are a variety of Coffea Arabica, while the bulk of the remainder is Coffea Robusta, which is also known as Coffea Canephora!

Now here's some medical benefits!...Coffee when taken in moderate quantity can lower the risk of a variety of cancer and heart diseases, improves cholesterol health and reduces muscle stress! A cup of Black coffee with no sugar contains NO calories!!! (How cool is dat?)

"Coffee makes us severe, and grave, and philosophical." - Jonathan Swift

Additionally, I have listed down some tried and tested benefits (read more relevant yeah!) for you guys! Coffee can:

  • Make you happy instantly
  • Can get you a job!
  • Help you in sorting out your differences with yourself and others
  • Make you more productive at work
  • Give you more tolerance to endure smarty pants and jerks
  • Give you a slight innocent harmless little kick  ;-)
  • Make it easier to hit on your crush!
  • Help you turn strangers into friends!
  • and...Make you fall in love!
  • and also, at times, in a single glass you find all the four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat! (Irish coffee...anyone? ;-)) Bazinga!!!
Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love! Ohhhh!

Wherever coffee is grown, sold, brewed, and consumed, there will be lively controversy, strong opinions, and good conversation! Now if that's not reason enough to LOL over Coffee, I donno what is!!! ;-)

I'm done writing now...it's late afternoon and I feel like brewing some coffee... so I'm rushing to my nearest cafĂ©...Till then, spill the bean...Love Coffee! Drink Coffee! Share Coffee!....and keep LOLing!!! :-) :-)

Friday, 19 July 2013

Small things are the ones which make big differences...: My tryst with the Luxury Labels!!!

Small things are the ones which make big differences...: My tryst with the Luxury Labels!!!: I have always been a keen observer (if not always a blind follower) of Fashion and Trends! I love  extravagancy, beauty and magnificence......

My tryst with the Luxury Labels!!!

I have always been a keen observer (if not always a blind follower) of Fashion and Trends! I love  extravagancy, beauty and magnificence...and it's needless to say that I find utmost comfort in turning over the glossy pages of Vogue and Elle every now and then ;-) and lose myself in the dreamworld of labels!!! The ever famous Blair Waldorf (of my favourite TV Series Gossip Girl) once said, " Those who say money can't buy happiness did not know where to shop!!!"..I did not believe her...trust me...until the other day I glanced through some of the top International Fashion Magazines in my library! (oh my!)...and pondered over her thought...well ;-)...


How much I am awed by the amazing photoshoots on those magazines...the models holding up the products or wearing them, their face exuding pride and gratification. Their skinny sculpted built, complemented with perfectly done make-up radiate vanity and persuasion. And boy! Am I impressed? Those models make me wanna shun pizzas and chocolates forever! Looking at those mesmerizing photographs, I can feel the touch of a designer leather or a rub of cashmere against my skin...aaahhmmazzingg! The World of Luxury labels seems like a glimpse of heaven, the models, angel in disguise...beseeching me with all its grandeur and ardour ...ooooooo!!! Sometimes to me, these magazines become a source of deriving utmost comfort during times of leisure, disappointment and mood swings and make me wonder, how many months of salary would I have to save to afford a pair of Fendi stilettoes or a Chanel Handbag!!!...Hmm...well...let's not go there ;-)

I remember my first luxury buy...a 50ml  Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue which I had bought with my first salary. I had longed to buy it for at least 2 years before the tiny bottle of elixir landed in my palms. It's strange that such a small glass bottle could change your life for good and take your world by storm! In three days I had become the most famous girl in office and had already inspired a handful others to buy it!!! Oohhh la la!

But many a times, like many of you I have had to tussle with the pronunciation of some of the International Brands and boy! I have been utmost conscious while articulating them (at times I have googled, checked the phonetics and practiced articulation in the bathroom mirror early morning;-))... I mean how on earth would I know that the Italian brand BVLGARI was actually pronounced as bull-ga-ree!!!! I remember the very first International Brand I got acquainted with was Louis Vuitton but I never knew how one could pronounce it until I started watching Star World! ;-) Similarly, I mean how could you ever imagine that Yves Saint Laurent should be said as Eve - son- lo-ron !!!! Even worse is Dolce & Gabbana...I'd rather say D&G instead of Dolchee -ey -Gab -bana ! Poof!!!! Dear Italians, what have we ever done?? And even if you think you have heard the word Chanel, beware, it is pronounced not how you think but Sha-nell !!! Oh Dear God!!!

Have you ever seen those pwetty little red apple like perfume bottles lined in the Shopper Stop stores? Well...those Nina Riccis are amazing fragrance...the first time I had seen them, I could never muster up the courage and walk upto the seller, coz I feared that I will be made fun of if I did not pronounce the name correctly...sigh!

But that hardly discourages me anymore...In my secret notebook, I do have the pronunciation written down for some of these fashion brands for my reference. Sharing my little secret with you...lol! Check them out! U'd thank me...won't you? ;-)

Breguet - Brey-gay
Boglioli - Boh-lee-oh-lee
Calvin Klein - Cow-in Kly-in
Cerruti - Sheyrootee
Dior - Dee-or
Givenchy - Zhee-vah-shee
Gucci - Goo-chee
Hermes - Er-mez
Lacoste - Luh-cost
Longines  - Lawn- jeans
Louis Vuitton - Loo- ee, Vee -tou
Paco Rabbane - Puh-co-ruh-bon
Roberto Cavalli - Row-bear-toe. Ka-volley
Versace - Ver - satchey

So here's to all you wee-bit materialistic people and brand slaves out there...my content is dedicated to you guys! The next time you wanna shop, or maybe window shop or simply chit-chat about the Luxury Labels, pronouncing them correctly should be the last worry on your mind!!! So common people...be impulsive, love brands and shop till you drop!!! After all, we'd rather like to see our money safe in our closets infront of our eyes rather than keeping them in the bank!!!  Don't we? ;-)
Happiness & Shopping!!!...Bliss...