Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Diary Scribbles of a Sibling...

I was always a happy child...the only daughter of my parents! I was the apple of their eye! Their world revolved around me. Every time I learnt a new word or some new antics, they would watch me with proud eyes!!!...Until one day I saw my friend's little sister, a little ball of fur, strutting across in pink, holding her elder sister's hand. "She is soo lucky ", I thought. "What a joy it must be to have a little living doll...", I wondered! Before long...I too wanted a baby sister, who I could keep for life and play with all day!

"Mamma...please I too want a little sister", I pleaded day and night. All the toys, games, friends started feeling trivial as the little me started longing for a own sister!

Dreams came true as Ma went away for a few days and came back after a days with a little thing wrapped in towel. "Here's your little sis"...she smiled! I had become an elder sister...I was overjoyed!!!! She was the most beautiful little thing I had ever seen! She had mesmerizing big jet black eyes and lovely black curls! Since she was so sweet we named her 'Mishti'! Mishti was a soft spoken lil girl, my sweetheart and was extremely attached to me...more than Ma n Baba! She would try and copy everything I did! :-) She started growing up fast and as she joined my school, my friends became all too busy looking after her and taking care of her needs!!! ...I was so proud...

That was twenty years ago....

Well well!!! Times change...Mishti is an all grown up girl her BTech 3rd year! My little sister now lives life large...has clear ambitions, preaches some deep insights of life, gives me lessons on how to deal with guys and handle relationships, scrutinizes my dressing sense, advises me on my career and at times shows more presence of mind than any grown-up would imagine!!!

She wears my clothes (and my shoes, n my bags and my make up...n my jewellery, the list is endless!!!) and sometimes donates them uninhibitedly! She is point blank, speaks her mind and can give any MBA stiff competition with her convincing and negotiating skills...!

Of course there are days when she acts casually bitchy! Days when she wakes up in the morning making up her mind to take away my happiness! She will purposely do (rather not do) things she knows I'll get mad seeing! She'll act lazy...she won't listen...she won't budge...She will only speak sarcasm!...Sparks fly...and den we fight...Those terrible fights! mediocre English! hurling colloquial, spatting out secrets and hitting on the weaker spots!...It's terrible!

And then there are days, when you've had a bad bad day...You go home all sad. You are at a loss of your mind, you feel that there ain't no one who understands you. You hide how you feel...and there she is! A look at you and she not only knows what's wrong but has an immediate cure! That night you sleep...smiling...feeling happy and blessed...

She fights with you yeahhh but she also fights the world for you! She is protective and can go to any length for ya! Although she'll neva say it but she loves you the most!!!

She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway…♥. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, your worst critic!...Someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your best friend, your defense attorney, your press agent as well as your personal stylist!!! Some days she's the reason you wish you were an only child but again the other days you cannot stop thanking God for your life’s more treasured gift!!!...

My sister most treasured gift! The person I love confidante, my best friend!

Cannot imagine how life would have been without my dearie lil sis!...Would have definitely been less exciting, less happening, less amusing, less adventurous, less fun!!!!

 #love #gossip #sisters #bonding

Sweet, crazy conversations full of half sentences, daydreams and misunderstandings more thrilling than understanding could ever be.” - Toni Morrison

P.S. - Oh she writes too...Here's the link to her blog!


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