Wednesday, 8 August 2012

A second Childhood...

It is said that the body ages but not the heart and the mind. Oscar Wilde had said that the tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young!!!

Don't we feel the same way when we see a group of old enthusiasts getting together to effectively handle a social cause or taking up responsibilities to run an administration or simply walking at the park in the morning at 5km/hr!!!!

More than often we tend to ignore these indigenous beings who have shared both happiness and agony with life and have gained the invaluable experience over the years. While the Old Age homes are brimming with the old members of the families who have renounced their family or should I say have been renounced by their families, the young are facing roadblocks and tricky situations in many aspects of their lives not knowing what to do.

In India approximately 80% of the voters are 60 years and above who fall under the category of senior citizens.  A psychological study says that since senior citizens don't have a say around their respective families at home, they always exercise their right to vote wherein they can at least express themselves...this shows how much we have ignored our elderly figures at home.

What these sweethearts need is attention and to be respected for their age...they are like small kids, the moment we take our eyes off them, they would crave for our attention and do all things possible to gain it back.

Sometime it is difficult to control their emotions, anger and thinking however if you treat them with the same affection, love, care and patience that you show towards your kids, its quite an easy task. 

Remember they have given their life to us when we were kids and knew nothing. But what did we do for them?  When we grew up with all the best education, knowledge and experience of life they offered to us to become what we are today, all we did was just ignore them declaring that they knew nothing about life and concluded what they did was nothing more than a mere responsibility which any parent would do!!!! And the moment there is a difference of opinion,we never hesitate to ridicule their thoughts and tag the situation as a "generation gap".

If you have watched 'Lagey Raho Munnabhai', you would have a fair idea. In the movie Atmaram's son grows out to become too posh for his father and his simplicity and sends him off to live in an Old Age home inspite of being the proud owner of a plush and spacious apartment. And sadly, the count of people like Atmaram's son is growing exponentially. We have become extremely modern and we hardly have time to sit by their side and listen to their share of the story. We feel that this exercise would be a total waste of time!!!

But what we do not realise is that it is not them, but us who need them more that they need us.

The most blessed are the ones who had their grandparents in their lives. A lot of us must have had some of the best moments with their grandparents. I am proud to proclaim that I am one of them. Right from the time I was a toddler, my Grand-ma has been my best friend. From tolerating my childish tantrums to making yummy snacks for me in the evenings to teaching me the first notes of sa-re-ga-ma, she's been there for me, all the time. It's been a few years that I have lost her and even today, I miss her....a looooot!!!

The senior citizens are an asset to their families as well as to the nation. They are the ones who really have been there and done that! Instead of leading perhaps a miserable life in loneliness they can be serve as the best resource to teach the underprivileged in the villages. Elders are the back bone of Indian culture as they are the link who pass on the legacies which has been followed by ages.This way they will not only find another reason to live and smile, they will feel that they are important to us and are actively involved in shaping the society as much as we are.

It is our responsibility to help them walk the final lap of life and help them touch the finishing line with a smile and satisfaction, make them feel that it was worth living a life for such a wonderful family.

Their one blessing can do wonders in our lives, a happiness which may not come even after becoming a billionaire!!!!

A few days ago I was reading a beautiful article on Facebook about a lonely old lady who was admitted in a hospital for a long time before she passed away. Soon after a nurse had found her belongings and in them found a poem written by her during her stay at the hospital. Many thought that she was nothing more than a piece of flesh and bones and did not grieve when she was no more.


When they read her poem....the feeling was magical, everybody who read it instantly got a taste of LIFE!

Incase you have not read the poem, here it is for you.

" Crabbit Old Woman" 

What do you see, nurse, what do you see? 

What are you thinking, when you look at me- 
A crabbit old woman, not very wise, 
Uncertain of habit, with far-away eyes, 
Who dribbles her food and makes no reply 
When you say in a loud voice, I do wish you'd try. 
Who seems not to notice the things that you do 
And forever is losing a stocking or shoe. 
Who, unresisting or not; lets you do as you will 
With bathing and feeding the long day is fill. 
Is that what you're thinking, Is that what you see? 
Then open your eyes, nurse, you're looking at me. 
I'll tell you who I am as I sit here so still! 
As I rise at your bidding, as I eat at your will. 
I'm a small child of 10 with a father and mother, 
Brothers and sisters, who loved one another- 
A young girl of 16 with wings on her feet, 
Dreaming that soon now a lover she'll meet, 
A bride soon at 20 - my heart gives a leap, 
Recalling the vows that I promised to keep. 
At 25 now I have young of my own 
Who need me to build a secure happy home; 
A woman of 30, my young now grow fast, 
Bound to each other with ties that should last; 
At 40, my young sons have grown and are gone, 
But my man is beside me to see I don't mourn; 
At 50 once more babies play around my knee, 
Again we know children, my loved one and me. 
Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead, 
I look at the future, I shudder with dread, 
For my young are all rearing young ones of their own. 
And I think of the years and the love that I've known; 
I'm an old woman now and nature is cruel- 
Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool. 
The body is crumbled, grace and vigor depart, 
There is now a stone where I once had a heart, 
But inside this old carcass, a young girl still dwells, 
And now and again my battered heart swells, 
I remember the joy, I remember the pain, 
And I'm loving and living life over again. 
I think of the years all too few- gone too fast. 
And accept the stark fact that nothing can last- 
So open your eyes, nurse, open and see, 
Not a crabbit old woman, look closer

See Me....

By: Phyllis McCormack

Thursday, 26 July 2012

The formula of Happiness !!!

There are days which makes you feel upset, lethargic and groggy for certain reasons, be it a missed deadline at work, a difference of opinion with a loved one, a cold or a stomach upset or maybe for no reason at all. If you have noticed, it's not always the ill feeling but the knock- on effect which is really the culprit!!! If we are disappointed and hurt, we not only inflict damage at ourselves but also to those people who care about us! The result? Getting into a mire of mess from everywhere!!!

No one can be blamed here...most of us are caught up in this whirlpool where work dictates time, bosses replace family members and appraisal becomes more important than festivals! All of us are deeply engrossed in playing this tug of war called life and amidst this pandemonium, there is one person you hardly spend time with...Yourself!!! It's true....Admit it! When was the last time you visited your aunt? Or admired the blooming flowers at the local park? The neighbour kid has really grown up and you never noticed!!'s been 8 years since the last season of Friends was aired on TV!!! Time flies...doesn't it? And since science has still not been able to invent the time machine so the only alternative is to make the most of your life as long as it is...No! Not by spending your weekends at work but doing all those things that makes you feel happy and contended!!!

Have you ever blown soap bubbles sitting on someone's else's parked two wheeler on the road? Or maybe stuck out your multi-coloured tongue after licking an iced candy? Or maybe struck a conversation or two with the chaiwala on the roadside while sipping on the chai? Trust me...these experiences are more enriching than playing stress buster games on your laptop!

When I say spend time with yourself, I literally mean 'to spend time with your inner self' - things which your heart craves to do but your mind doesn't! There you go... I guessed it right! So you do have such a list there!

It is very important that we connect with our own inner self on a frequent basis. It is a continuous process of self exploration and you will be surprised at what you unravel. There are so many ways to be find peace, derive happiness and tranquility that it will way surpass our sorrows and enrich us! And consequently you will find yourself much contended, fulfilled and humbled. It will be quite a task for bereavement to cast it's 
shadow on you once you befriend your happy self for life!

 No tasks! Or to-dos! Or calendars! Just take out as little as 15 minutes every day...when you can be YOU! Catch up with old friends, pick up your favourite Comic book, savour on creamy cupcakes (hey not everyday but!), cuddle your pet, glance through the old family album, take a hot bubble bath, prepare a snack, write your diary or just sit at the balcony with a cup of steaming coffee...Do whatever puts a smile on your face and makes you ready to take a higher plunge into the waves of life! Because for every minute you are not happy, you lose 60 seconds of happiness!!!

Remember...Don't let anyone tell you that there is some sort of formula to live your life...because if there is, it can only be

                                                                        X= Happiness

and X means just " Whatever you want !!!"

......Remember the Kit-kat advertisement?

Saturday, 14 July 2012

The beautiful city of Darjeeling...

I had disappeared from the blogging world for sometime and trust me it felt awful...So here's the guilty conscious soul back to writing and this time around I have something really nice to share, especially with the travel freaks! I had this lovely opportunity to spend a week in the Queen of Hills...Darjeeling last month and I thought what a better opportunity to explain my absence and also attempt to give you a virtual visit to the place through this content...

Darjeeling, predominantly a tourist destination, is located in North Bengal and has been termed as the 'Queen of Hills' by the British because of it's scenic hilly views and pleasant weather round the year. Located at about 6700 feet approx., Darjeeling proudly proclaims view of the Kanchenjanga. Anybody who has witnessed the Sun rise from Tiger Hill view point has found another reason to live!!! The submission of the Sun to the second highest Mountain peak in the world is truely a scene to the seven colours spread away from each other and fall upon the Kanchenjanga, the view exudes only gapes from the viewers!!! I'm told that this view has inspired many beings to turn into poets!!!
You start to feel the charm of the city as you drive from Siligudi to Darjeeling. Currently that's the only way you can take as the frequent landslides have caused the direct road to be closed for an indefinite period. As our car wound round and round up the altitude, the weather became mushy, the clouds nearly reachable and the beautiful tea estates peeped at us from the edgy sides of the hills! Three hours of pure admiration and voila, we had reached Darj!!!!

The other side of Darjeeling can be experienced as you walk down the heart of the city, known as the Mall Road. As you carve your way out amidst the busy street bustling with the natives and the tourists, you can't help but notice the busy stalls on your right selling umbrellas, jackets, winter clothes, hangbags, jewellery and a host of other eye-catching fancy items. Once you manage your way out to the junction, you can sit on an array of benches placed on either side of the road and lose yourself in the chaotic splendour with a steaming hot cup of tea! There are a host of Curio and rusty antique shops and a few stores which sell high quality Darjeeling tea.
Mall Road Junction, Darjeeling
A brunch at Keventer's is a must if you happen to visit Darjeeling. A plate of yummy sausages, salamies, a sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate will keep you raving about the yummy food and make you come back for more! Coffee and cakes at Glenary's would make you forget your local cafes in a jiffy! And if you crave for pan-fried Momos, Darjeeing is your place!
Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - Its very rare that I visit a new place and do not take a look into it's fashion hubs. Infact the ladies in Darj are extremely fashionable and many a times gave me a severe complex!!! However it did not take me long to unearth their style secret! ;-) If you belong to my group of people, visit the Dragon Market close to the railway station and you will be amazed at the collection of imported shoes, bags, jackets and dresses!!!
The Mall, Darjeeling
A toy-train ride is a must for everyone who visits Darj. A three hour long ride to Kurseong would be apt if you want to be surrounded in the serenity of the rocks and greenery. As the toytrain would trot along the hillside, you can't but help waving back at the young Nepali kids who would wave at you frantically and often surprise you by running behind the moving train!!! The train would invade the privacy of a few houses by coursing through their gardens and terraces and sometimes it is so close that you can practically pick up anything starting from a sock to an utensil !!! The rich coloured flowers hanging from the shrubs on the hills would beckon you to make your own hut alongside and live there forever!
Toy-train ride from Darjeeling to Kurseong
Coincidentally a few days ago I was reading an article written by one of the famous Bengali singer/director who had observed that more than anything, Darjeeling oozes charm and vivacity mostly because of its natives and I cannot agree more! Although the tension with regards to the Gorkhaland sometimes causes disruption in transport, I would not even consider it as an antagonist. The natives, predominantly Nepalis, are courteous , peace-loving and soft-spoken by nature. They'd bow when you buy from their shops and would always accept the cost with their right hand with left arm folded. The hawkers would always address you as either 'brother' or 'sister' and politely inquire about your native place. They are an extremely hardworking lot, especially the ladies and you will marvel at the way the tea pluckers balance themselves on the hill slopes while they pluck the exact leaves.Their wooden houses atop the hills are prone to frequent landslides and water logging. Darj itself faces immense electricity and water problems. However the natives' pleasant faces are never marred by the scarcity.

Other places of interest in Darj include the Shrubbery Park famous for it's greenery, the calm and serene Buddhist Monasteries, the zoo (the show stopper being the cuddly Red Pandas...Aaaawww!!!!), the Rock Gardens (where you can click your snap in a traditional tea plucker's attire) and Batashia Loop.
The Red Panda
Darj speaks profoundly of the words of celebrations, contentment, happiness and sharing. A city, which makes you a part of it's family from the time you set your foot on it. A selfless land which does not boast of it's assets, but is beautiful inside out...

Pay a visit to Darj if you haven't yet. I have fallen in love and I am sure you will...too!!!!

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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Sharing best practice on how to beat the Heat !!!

It's that time of the year again...a time when you get to savour on those lovely orange ice candies, bath more than once a day, stay in the swimming pool for eternity, pour down gallons of cold drinks and mocktails, flaunt your floral prints and cool hats and play with ice-cubes!!! Yeah its summer time fellas!

Come on now...I know a lot of us hate (with a BIIIGGG H) Summer with it's sweat patches, sultry afternoons and frequent headaches. While the happier ones would just pick up any reason to stay hale and hearty this season, however, if you belong to the group of Summer haters & cribbers (like me), I thought I'd come to your rescue and share some tips on 'How to stay Super cool this Summer'. While some of them are little crazy and over the top ideas, trust me it's gonna come in handy if you don't wanna switch on the A.C. for long and save upon some electricity or if you are caught up in such a place where there is no privilege of a cooler or an AC or if you are in the mood to do something out of normal this season!!!

1. Pull out those icy pillows
Freeze a 2 ltr bottle of water, cover it up with a pillow case and hug it close while you are watching TV, chilling at home or going to sleep. You are gonna love the relax!

2. Spray some fragrance'd water
Pour some icy cold water in a 500 ml cold-drink bottle and add a few drops of aroma oil. Alternately, you can also use water in which you have soaked rose petals overnight. Otherwise, pour a few drops of your favourite perfume in chilled water. Fix a spray nozzle and spray yourself liberally while you are beneath the fan. You'd love the effect!

3. Create a fake Air conditioner
Dip your curtains in a bucket of water, rinse them slightly and put them up on your windows. What you will get is a waft of cold breeze!

4. Powder your bedsheet
Sprinkle some cool talc on your bedsheet before you sleep. What you get is a sweat free, sweet smelling honey dreams!!! If you are crazier, spray some water too (but don't blame me later if you catch cold)!

5. Refrigerate wet towels
After a bath, pull out those refrigerated wet towels and rub yourself with them to keep yourself cool and sweat free.

6. Plan a mocktail party
Call your friends over and have a competition on making mocktails. All you need to keep at hand is curd, cold-drinks, some fruits like water melon, mango, lemon and litchis, soda, some khus-khus, ice-creams, ice cubes, mint leaves and a food processor. What you get is an evening of rocking company and amazing drinks. You can end the party with ice-wars and water pipe dance (if you know what I mean)!!!

7. Water your terrace
If your room is right below the terrace, just water the terrace by dropping three-four buckets of water. As the water will evaporate, the roof of your room will become cool and consequently the entire room will become cooler.

8. Have a chilled mixed fruit salad
Cut your favourite summer fruits into small chunks and refrigerate them for atleast 2/3 hours. Whip in some honey or ice-cream just before you eat them and enjoy the taste of heaven!!!

9. Embrace white
Be it your bedsheet, the upholstery, the curtains or your attire, stick to white (or super light colours) and cotton as much as possible. White is the only colour which absorbs all the seven colours of the Sun and emits all making you feel cool and comfortable. Sport loose clothes. Always carry wet tissues, shades and water wherever you go.

10. Keep indoor plants
Indoor plants keep the air in the room cool and fresh. So bring in some green indoor plants which will not only add to your room decor but will also keep you fresh and energetic. A word of caution, ensure that there is sufficient ventilation as a closed room will enhance accumulation of carbon dioxide breathed out by plants at night! Some good indoor plants are money plant, areca palm and snake plant.

Enjoy the best of this season and here's wishing that you stay cool, cozy and happy. Tata :-)

Friday, 18 May 2012

The Importance of being an Allegrophoebic !!!

 More than often I have witnessed people from all spheres of life having but little respect for time. And I am counting myself in too. On multiple occasions I have been guilty of a late arrival whether it is quietly sneaking in at work secretly hoping that my boss has not arrived or keeping my friends waiting on the roads while convincing them over the phone saying 'Hey! I can see you...I'm just crossing the road!' when in reality I have just stepped out of my house! Sometimes I wonder what does it take to be punctual? And why is that more than often we end up being late than being on time, even when we do not want to? Weird...isn't it? I guess the trouble of being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it because the person or the group of people we meet often makes their entry after ours leaving us look like idiots who do not have a life!!!!

On the contrary, my personal experience says that people who have made the most of their lives are often the ones who have a grand respect for time or to put it the other way around, people who are punctual have made it bigger than the others. Look around. Its true!

Ask yourself...are you someone who loves to push the clock ahead? Are you someone who has but little respect for yours and other's time? Then watch out. You have some serious problem here.Studies have revealed that a person who is not punctual is often found to lack self-confidence, discipline and possess a greater chance of being sacked or being dumped!!!

Would you believe? There is a small section of people among us who are not only spot on time but also possess a fear of being late!!! This is known as allegrophoebia. People who exhibit this disorder are scared of the alarm clock because they intend to pace ahead it's ringing and are mostly found to panic when faced with a tiny obstacle in the middle of the rush! Phew!

Therefore, the heart of my point is that we have to look at Indian Standard Time (I.S.T) the way the rest of the world looks at it and not how we Indians interpret it!!! Its a very common practice to be late whether it is at the doctor's or paying a formal visit to friends and colleagues. I have also some people associating 'late arrival' to fashion...means to draw all eyes upon them. 

That's called being an attention seeker my friend, not a trend-setter!!!

Have you realized how much time we can save upon if all of us were to keep up with the clock? For example on an average if you have 3 meetings or appointments or casual catch-ups in a day and you invariably delay each of them by 10 minutes, you are losing 30 mins of time everyday which you could otherwise utilize in reading a book, pursuing a hobby or working out ( I have deliberately quoted these examples as most of us complain of not finding time for these activities). Plus you save the last minute rush which mostly leads to forgetting to put mascara or gloss (Girls!...what a crime!!) or the important file or the pair of socks (Guys!!!...yeah yeah we know). If it is a professional meeting, you could reach a little before time and collect your thoughts right before the big ticket!!! In case of casual outings, your family and friends start looking upto you as a dependable individual. It works...and that's how you make an impression! Trust me!

All of us comply with a pretty hectic schedule day in and day out and wish there were more than 24 hours in a day but I say, a little attention to time management can go a long way and trust me you will surprised at how much more you will be able to do!!!

I googled for a few quotes about punctuality so that I can tickle the lazy souls out there and I came across this awe-inspiring quote....Loved what it said and I'm sure you'll love it too.

" Strict punctuality is perhaps the cheapest virtue which can give force to an otherwise utterly insignificant character" - John F. Boyes

Here's a food for thought. I have looked almost everywhere for an appropriate antonym of the word 'punctual' and I haven't tasted much success in finding one. The ones which I have considered are delayed, tardy, late, belated...Do you know any other word which can be used? Which word do you think suits best against punctuality?

And by the way, the fact that you can get sacked and dumped was all made up!!!...My only desire was to improve your being and enable you to make the best of yourself...I'll be more than glad if I am half successful!!!


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The miracle lies within you and me...

This morning when mum came home, she told me about this little scene on the road that had stirred her heart. As her bus was crossing the huge flyover at the heart of the city in the scorching heat, she noticed two half clothed women sitting under the flyover in the shade of the pillar of the bridge, with seven sickly kids. Four of them were sitting in line, maybe waiting for their first bite of the day while the wailing toddlers were being cradled by the mothers in their laps. Mom reasoned 'Is it true that there isn't anything at all that can be done?'  For a country like ours, which is blessed with the serenity and productivity of the never ending villages, why is it that people sort to living in cities only? Why is it that they are contented to sleeping on the pavements of the cities instead of leading a life of fulfillment in the villages where they can at least live in a house? Why do people give birth to some many lives when they cannot afford a square meal for themselves?

I know...I know...these are more than often asked questions and scenarios we witness everyday. But where is the solution? Street dwellers are expanding exponentially by each passing day and we have already attained a stage where there are absolutely no unclaimed pavements left in the city for the pedestrians. The Government has promised concrete abode for most of the street-dwellers but would that curb this problem? It wouldn't...And what would happen to our villages if there is no one who'd like to live there? I feel we are neglecting the holistic picture.
If we are to enable our villages with most of the basic facilities found in the cities like water,electricity, school and hospital, this shot would kill many problems.a) The villages will provide better living conditions for people who would rarely think of migrating to the cities, b) Increase of facilities would demand more resources and therefore people can be gainfully employed. They can earn their money ethically instead of begging and mugging on the roads which they usually do and c) The Government would be able to channelize the funds in a better fashion and not yield to cutting green plantation and investing in cement and bricks.This way there would be space not only to walk on the streets but to plant more and more trees and give some relief to Mother Nature!
Also, a form of a health card can be issued in every Government hospitals which would serve as a birth certificate as well as a health insurance for a nominal amount which would only be given to the first two children of the parents. This might help in controlling population.

Does this sound like a full proof plan? You tell me...

I am sorry that I chose a rather problematic theme as the first content for my blog but I think all of us at some point have pondered over the same thoughts and desperately hope for a miracle to eradicate such issues. I thought so too...until I came upon Amir's Satyamev Jayate where he said it is no one but us who can create this miracle. So true!